Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sketchbooks, continued

Steven said in the comments to "post them all!" (in reference to all my sketchbook junk). I don't think I'll do that. I don't have a scanner, although I am seriously considering getting one if I can find one that will fit in the one spot I can imagine fitting it on our crowded desk. I am home today with a drippy gooey pinkeye ear infected 4 year old. I just put him down for a much-needed (by me!) nap. So with the hour or two I have in front of me (when I should be grading or cleaning something), I decided to take pictures from one of my sketchbooks and make a post. The focus isn't great so you'll probably have to click to get a bigger image to read the captions. These are all from my first cartoon-a-day sketchbook that I did from summer 2007 through sometime around Christmas that year. There are a bunch, so be patient while they load.

1 comment:

Kristen Eyssell said...


1) Gerry just told me that he drove Austin by your house on his way to vote and A LOVED the yard art!
2) We have an old parallel port scanner that you can have if you'd like. Just let me know.