Monday, February 05, 2007

I have been toying with the idea of making some paintings that aren't robots. I have some software called Painter that can be used either to make finsihed digital artwork, or just as a way to visualize paintings without having to use up a canvas. That's how I use it. The motel one was done directly on top of a jpeg that I cropped and rearranged a bit first. You can still see a little poking through. The lemon one is just a lemon, maybe laying on an unfolded paper bag.


Steven said...

I like the style of these. The hotel one looks kind of Hockney-ish. Reminds of a cheesy place in the panhandle that Bob, my sister and I stayed in...

Sharon said...

The photo is of a hotel in Amarillo called the Amarillo Motel. So it very well could be!!!

Steven said...

You can kind of tell by the shape of the sign that this used to be a Holiday Inn -- old school style. We stayed at one when we came down to Texas when I was like 6. I remember it was so cool that we got to swim at night.

The one I was thinking of earlier was in either Dalhart or Dumas. Probably Dalhart...

Anonymous said...

Great work.