I have been toying with the idea of making some paintings that aren't robots. I have some software called Painter that can be used either to make finsihed digital artwork, or just as a way to visualize paintings without having to use up a canvas. That's how I use it. The motel one was done directly on top of a jpeg that I cropped and rearranged a bit first. You can still see a little poking through. The lemon one is just a lemon, maybe laying on an unfolded paper bag.
I like the style of these. The hotel one looks kind of Hockney-ish. Reminds of a cheesy place in the panhandle that Bob, my sister and I stayed in...
The photo is of a hotel in Amarillo called the Amarillo Motel. So it very well could be!!!
You can kind of tell by the shape of the sign that this used to be a Holiday Inn -- old school style. We stayed at one when we came down to Texas when I was like 6. I remember it was so cool that we got to swim at night.
The one I was thinking of earlier was in either Dalhart or Dumas. Probably Dalhart...
Great work.
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